Join us in prayer on Thursday, May 2nd, for National Day of Prayer

read on for specific ways to pray

  1. For this generation & families - pray for the Lord to be working in our kids and families. That they would see the movement of the Spirit, come to salvation, and become laborers to preach the Gospel and stand boldly in faith. Pray for wisdom for parents and guardians as they raise their families in the ways of the Lord.
  2. For the Middle East & Ukraine - join us in prayer for the peace of God to blanket the tensions and conflicts to subside, and not spread. Pray for the continual and rapid spread of the Gospel throughout both nations, in their governments, military and general population.
  3. Our National Leaders - for clear wisdom, direction, and humility for our leaders. Pray for wisdom and discernment for believers as we head into the election season.
  4. Our schools & churches - pray with us for students, teachers, coaches, professors and administrators to come to salvation in Christ. For true repentance, humility and holiness to be the heartfelt pursuit of church leaders, as well as all Christ-followers. For a new openness to and hunger for the presence and workings of the Holy Spirit every time the Church gathers. 

There is, of course, much more to pray about as you allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and lead you. Though May 2, 2024 is designated as a National Day of Prayer, let us continue to lift the needs highlighted above to the Lord in prayer throughout this month, continuing our intercessions daily as we pray without ceasing.