Women's Ministry

Our heart is to love, support and reach all women in our church. Along with a team of passionate volunteers, we strive to grow in relationship with one another and honor God by utilizing our unique gifts!
Along with several weekly gatherings, we host a variety of events throughout the year providing opportunities to invite friends, connect with one another, and enjoy fun activities!

Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study offers two meeting times to make connections, pray, spend time with Jesus and each other! Whether you are new to Canby Foursquare church or have been attending for a while, this is a wonderful opportunity to build new relationships and grow together! 

We are currently reading through the book of Proverbs. Please reach out to Pastor Annette if you have any questions or would like more information.
Where: Canby Foursquare Church | The Patio
When: Every Tuesday | 9:00am
Who: All Women | Childcare is provided
Where: Canby Foursquare Church | The Patio
When: Every Wednesday | 6:30pm
Who: All Women | Childcare is NOT provided

Monthly Meet Ups

Every third Saturday, a group of women from Canby Foursquare meet for a cup of coffee and great conversation at local coffee shops. Come join us anytime for this fun and laidback meet up! For questions or more info, contact Linda Onsgard.

Join the Facebook Group

One of the best ways to stay up to date on our services is to join our Facebook Group. We communicate events, location changes or cancellations.

Save the date

october 10-12 | salem, or | $250

Save the date for a weekend away to hit “pause” on our daily rhythms and gather together to be encouraged, equipped, and strengthened in our faith. We are excited to embrace all that
Jesus has for us.